Monday, July 25, 2016


I froze when the waitress asked “together or separate.”
Because here we were not just with your coworkers
but your employees.
And it took me back to Northern Michigan.
To a blue collar bar with wood paneling,
ancient crackling neon sign for Pabst Blue Ribbon
before the hipsters claimed it.
The bar was
haunted by spirits

When they banned smoking
I could smell them: the alcohol absorbed into the wood;
ghosts of brawls passed.
Took me back to her
the woman I only saw once a week
in this dimly lit bar my hand around her waist
her fingers uncurling from mine
letting go of my hand
leaning in to my ear and whispering
over the off key whaling of some drunk woman’s rendition
of the Dixie Chicks
“That’s my recruiter and his wife. Act straight.”
Together and separate.

Because it’s okay to be underaged in a bar
drinking with your boss
but not out with your girlfriend

It’s subtle.
It’s a mindset.
I guess I thank god, if god can even hear me
it’s not open bashing in the streets

But like maybe it would be better if it were
because it’s being introduced as a “friend”
it’s a short nod then a long stare at the floor at the sort-of-gay bar
making note not to mention it Monday
it’s wondering if this conversation with a baker would be over
if I asked for a wedding cake
it’s hearing other people’s “opinion” about civil rights

it’s cool though. They have Gay Friends
they just believe the “sanctity” of divorce and remarriage should be reserved for heterosexuals.
It’s wondering why “Religious Freedom” doesn’t mean freedom from the religious.

Because I’ve never been in a relationship with a woman on Facebook.
Because in Michigan it’s complicated.
Because we’ve always been together and separate.

How I worried every time my fiancee walked home passed the biker bar
after midnight to our studio apartment with no heat
to our twin bed we shared wrapped so tightly together
against the Michigan cold
that was more than just the weather
I stayed awake until she came curled up alone the tiny bed waiting
wishing on my frozen breath
that she would make it home
that no redneck would decide she
looked like a freak

a tranny

a fucking dyke

I always forget how gay it is in Iowa.
Like I thought it was to be out, wasn’t actually out until I got here.  
Like Michigan is a microaggression.
Like I envy you for growing up in the middle of nowhere Iowa
and that shouldn’t make any sense.

I never met a waitress who gave her opinion on marriage equality
I never had a coworker say children need a mother and a father

Because in Michigan you get to pick god or gay.
How weird it is to meet gays of the faith in Iowa
because don’t you know we exist in the shadow of god’s hand?
angels with clipped wings
so we can’t fly home
like making the decision to have either jesus or a woman in your mouth
is really a fair choice
come on

How the first gay couple to be married in Northern Michigan
was told not to sing during mass
and to sit outside the church
don’t even breath the same air as the faithful
because apparently god couldn’t even listen to them
let alone invite them to the table.

But that same church let a priest who raped a woman
continue to take communion.
because at least he raped a woman.
because raping women is at least biblically sound,
haven’t you read Judges?
“They knew and abused them all night”
How a woman I knew from church came up to me and
introduced her girlfriend as her “friend”
and I felt it where I feel it now,
cold and in the pit of my stomach
deep down like Superior.
The soul is together and separate.

How I saw a peer at Andrea Gibson
she turned cold the way Michigan snow storms come on suddenly
and frost everything overnight
for a week.

And I wondered why she never mentioned
seeing a poet when we talked all the time about poets
because in Southwest Michigan you can’t throw a rhyme
without catching a poet square in the jaw
Then I realized.
She thought I would out her.
Together and separate.

How it wasn’t just a poet
How sometimes our coworkers would talk about being against gay marriage.
like there were sides
like it was a Michigan vs State game
except no one was supposed to get upset
like the 300 couples woke up and found their marriages void
like “they never happened”
like wow
what did you do last night after the game?
Let’s clean up this mess
before god sees.  

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